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Partner Event: A (Balinese) Tempest, Video Premiere and Live Zoom Q&A (hosted by ShadowLight Productions)

Use this link to register for the live Q&A. Email questions to in advance. Watch the video at

A (Balinese) Tempest (2005) is an adaptation of Shakespeare's most musical and magical play. Set in shadows with live musical accompaniment from Gamelan Sekar Jaya using gamelan angklung, original compositions by I Made Terip from north Bali, Balinese vocals from I Nyoman Sumandhi, original puppets and sets from I Made Moja, the production fuses Balinese and Elizabethan theater.

Watch for free (until May 24, 2020( on ShadowLight’s website at: .

Then, join ShadowLight Productions Director, Larry Reed, Art Director, I Made Moja, and Music Director, Carla Fabrizio, for a live Zoom Q&A session on Saturday, May 23 at 3:00pm PST. Use this link to register.

Event photo courtesy of ShadowLight Productions.