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Bali's Living Arts #4: Life and Work as a Balinese Artist in California

I Made Moja shares his artwork and artistic process, as well as a personal account of his experience as a Balinese visual and performing artist in California. He will talk about the challenges of fatherhood, being a Balinese dancer, and blending with local culture, and will explore how his artistic subject matter has changed over time.

Suggested donations for the series benefit artists in GSJ’s extended family, going toward distributing care packages to the families of all former GSJ master artists-in-residence.  


About the presenter:

I Made Moja is a prominent Balinese dancer, teacher, shadow designer, and visual artist with a background in traditional ink and watercolor painting. His work has been shown internationally and is featured in numerous books on Balinese art and culture. Since relocating to the Bay Area, Moja has created puppets, designed sets, performed and taught as a dancer with Gamelan Sekar Jaya and ShadowLight Productions. Moja recently returned from an artist residency at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, where he was production designer for the wayang listrik, "The Last King of Bali" .